How We Teach

Dr. C. H. “Skip” Jones – Music Educator


We strongly recommend an average of at least one lesson per week. Regular lessons reduce knowledge and skill loss between lessons, makes progress much faster, and makes learning less frustrating.

We offer our lessons in two ways.

We give lessons on a lesson-by-lesson basis with each lesson scheduled individually and paid for at the time of the lesson.

We give lessons on a regularly scheduled basis with a specific lesson time reserved for you on a regular basis. Regularly scheduled lessons may be paid for by the lesson or by the month.

Multiple Students in the Same Family

If there are two or more students in a family who want to take lessons on the same instrument, we will be glad to do lessons with multiple students at the same time.

Each student in the lesson must have his or her own instrument.

Each of the students in the lesson must be at approximately the same level musically.

Lesson Length

Our usual lesson length is 30 minutes for children.

Our usual lesson length is 45 minutes for adults.

Our usual lesson length for two or more students is one hour.


Call for current rates and availability.

Contact us if you desire to take more than one lesson per week.


We currently accept cash, personal checks, and we will be accepting credit cards.

Lesson Cancellations

Cancellations will be handled on an individual basis.

Regular cancellations may result in the termination of the student.

Legal Holidays

Lessons may be available on legal holidays. Call for scheduling.

Discontinuing Lessons

Students may discontinue their lessons at any time.

Materials and Supplies

We use a variety of supplemental materials which may include CD and / or DVD accompaniments to make the learning process more effective, interesting, and enjoyable.

We also use additional materials to expose our students to a wide variety of musical styles including classical, jazz, blues, swing, big band, rock, pop, and country.

Our students are responsible for acquiring all of the required materials and supplies.

We will provide a list of sources for these supplies.

Recording Lessons

We have the capability of recording our lessons (audio and video).

Our students are also free to record their lessons themselves.

Dr. C. H. “Skip” Jones – Music Educator

Rear: 395 South Main Street
Fayette, Utah 84630
Phone: 321-652-3610



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